Salute to the Sun

Have you ever noticed your yoga teacher saying Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar? Sun salutations occur in many vinyasa classes. Salute to the Sun or Sun Salutation, is a practice in yoga that incorporates a sequence of gracefully linked asanas (poses). The Sun A is the yogis version of a burpee. So what does it consist of?

  1. Mountain Pose- Tadasana
  2. Foward Fold- Uttanasana
  3. Halfway Lift- Ardha Uttanasana
  4. Forward Fold to plant the hands
  5. High Plank
  6. Chaturanga
  7. Upward Facing dog
  8. Downward Facing dog
  9. Foward Fold
  10. Halfway Lift
  11. Forward Fold
  12. Mountain Pose

We also practice Sun Salutation B after our Sun A flow.ย  A Sun B includes:

  1. Mountain Pose- Tadasana
  2. Foward Fold- Uttanasana
  3. Halfway Lift- Ardha Uttanasana
  4. Forward Fold to plant the hands
  5. High Plank
  6. Chaturanga
  7. Upward Facing dog
  8. Downward Facing dog
  9. Right Leg lifts to 3 Legged Down Dog
  10. Low Lunge
  11. Warrior I or Crescent Lunge
  12. Low Lunge
  13. Right Leg lifts to 3 Legged Down Dog
  14. Downward Facing Dog
  15. Left Leg lifts to 3 Legged Down Dog
  16. Low Lunge
  17. Warrior I or Crescent Lunge
  18. Low Lunge
  19. Left Leg lifts to 3 Legged Down Dog
  20. Downward Facing Dog
  21. Forward Fold
  22. Halfway Lift
  23. Forward Fold
  24. Mountain Pose

Sun Salutations are a great way to energize the body making them an awesome routine to incorporate first thing in the morning. Sun Salutations help to strengthen the physical body. The key is to link breath to movement. The more you practice the more natural it will become. Soon you wonโ€™t even have to think about it. The breath will naturally guide the movement. Itโ€™s magic truly!! We recommend doing at least 3 Sun Salutation As and 2 Sun Salutation Bs but you are free to do as many as you would like. There is no right or wrong number of times that these can be done.

REMEMBER: You can always modify! Maybe you take a couple breaths in each pose before working on picking up the pace to one breath one movement. You can do this 2-5 times or as many times as you would like!!!! We recommend beginning with a Sun A and moving into a Sun B. ๐ŸŒž

Sun Salutation A:

Sun Salutation B: