I am writing this blog post because I think the power of visualization is so important in achieving the things you want in life. Dream boards, or vision boards help you maximize your visualization practice and stay accountable to the life you desire. The best way to achieve your goals is to keep them in front of you so that they are always on your mind. When you can constantly see and be reminded of your goals you are always looking for ways to move yourself closer to them. Envisioning the life you want to live helps motivate you to act in ways that bring you closer to the life you want.
How to start
Start by finding visual images, words, and quotes that represent the things you want to attract into your life. When you believe in your goals you will get on the right higher frequency. If you do not actually believe in your goals and yourself you will remain on a lower frequency. You can narrow it down to one area of your life or you can be broader. Be sure to only include the things that make sense to you and your dreams.
My story
I have always been a visual person. I like to use Pinterest before I go to bed as a way to pin things I like and want to attract into my life. This has been a great way for me to unwind and still manifest the things I want. But Pinterest is a huge collection of things that I do not actively see unless I am purposefully looking. Before I had decided to audition for the Patriots Cheerleaders squad, I had made my laptop and phone backgrounds pictures of the squad dancing on the field. This was a daily reminder that I wanted to make that team at some point in my life. The first week of my Freshman year of college my professor had asked me to plug in my lap top to display my excel spreadsheet across 10 large TV & Projector screens around the room. I had done this and instead of it displaying my screen it only displayed my background… in front of the ENTIRE class…. Of people I didn’t know…. How does one explain having the Patriots Cheerleaders as their background??? Answer is you don’t, and it doesn’t help you make any friends in week one haha! So anyways… fast forward to my sophomore year and I finally decide to audition for the team. The audition is a month and a half long process full of intense training, intimidating performances, learning lots of dances, and running the ramps of Gillette Stadium (out of breath just thinking about it). Well in 2015, I had made the squad on my first attempt, and two of the girls whom I admired and looked up to from those background pictures became my teammates, and now lifelong friends. My professor from Freshman year still brings up the laptop background incident and how its one of her favorite stories to tell as I started with a dream and she got to see it unfold in front of her eyes as I later attended 3 Super Bowls and was Captain for 3 out of 4 seasons. Visualization helps direct your energy to the things you want, and if you focus and put in the work, it works!
I just completed a new vision board. Now that I have retired from the Patriots Cheerleading team its time to pursue new dreams and create new goals as I head into the next chapter of my life. Things that I incorporated on it were places I want to travel to, a yoga teacher training program I want to attend, quotes that relate to the emotional ups and downs of running this beautiful studio, The Vitality Place. Pictures of some of TVP’s full classes to channel that energy for all of our classes. Pictures of cute little homes, fitness goals, wedding goals. I included dreams and goals in all different aspects of my life. I designed this board with the intention of it being a 3-year plan. Where do I want to be in three years, what experiences, goals, and accomplishments am I going to work towards these next few years? I made a physical board to help me stay accountable. For me its important to take the dream out of just your head and into the universe. Look at these goals daily and make sure your actions map out these dreams. Don’t be afraid to dream big. I did with the Patriots and with the studio and I promise you your mindset will open yourself up to new opportunities. So open your heart to the life you want to live and the person you want to be.
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